Water Meter's Flow

Minimum flow rate (Q1): The minimum flow rate required for the indicated value of the water meter to meet the maximum allowable error.

Boundary flow (Q2): The flow that appears between the commonly used flow Q3 and the minimum flow Q1, and divides the flow range into two areas, "high area" and "low area", each with a specific maximum allowable error.

Common flow (Q3): Maximum flow under rated operating conditions. At this flow rate, the water meter should work normally and meet the maximum allowable error requirements.

Overload flow (Q4): It is required that the water meter can meet the maximum allowable error requirement in a short time, and then the maximum flow rate of the metering characteristics can be maintained under the rated operating conditions.

Pressure loss (Δp): at a given flow rate, there is a head loss caused by a water meter in the pipeline.